Home of the World Famous Disco Bathrooms!
Disco Bathrooms are in 6 of our 15 HOP Shops:
- Verona-Mudlick Rd., Verona, KY: “Stayin’ Alive“ by the Bee Gees
- 8063 US 42, Florence, KY: “Diamonds“ by Rhianna
- 195 Mary Grubbs Highway, Walton, KY: “Time of My Life“ by Bill Medley
- 3213 Highway 227, Carrollton, KY: “Dancing Queen“ by Abba
- 3189 Western Row Road, Maineville, Ohio: “Party in the USA“ by Miley Cyrus
- 430 Mt. Zion Road, Florence, KY: “Dancing in the Dark” by Bruce Springstein
The Story from the beginning
March 2022 Damon Bail, our VP of Retail Operations & Marketing, got an idea from YouTube where a customer was at a restaurant in another country who did a video of the restroom with a red button that when you pushed it, the disco began. Damon knew it would be even more ‘unexpected’ to have it in a convenience store bathroom, so he shared with our team. Most thought it was a bad idea and some (me, Ann Gilbert:) thought it was a great idea and wondered how we would make it happen.
Ever since Damon came on board in 2019, he had been tasked by 2nd Generation owner of Valor Oil, Gary Emmick, to make HOP Shops a “Destination.” Damon knew this was it! Tim Dupin, the Director of Store Operations, was in the middle of remodeling the Verona HOP Shops (Bathrooms, adding a kitchen and beer cave, and changing the whole cash wrap area), so he thought this would be the perfect time to “slip it in” and try it out. He talked with our contractor who figured out how to make it happen. Damon knew he wanted 2 disco balls, a red button you push, a sign that said “Do Not Push,” and it would have to have a special song. The Verona HOP Shops launched the 1st Disco Bathroom on February 17, 2023. See the press release:
BATHROOM RECOGNITION February 5th, 2024, we received RECOGNITION for “America’s Cleanest Restrooms” from Cintas. And we are a contender for the award for the year across the US, Voting begins later this year (2024).
- TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@hopshopsconveniencestore
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOSl45dEp2rNNmpA5bw9kQ
- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/hopshopsconveniencestores/
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HOPShopsConvenienceStores
- LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/64853126/admin/feed/post
CONTACT: HOP Shops Marketing, Ann Gilbert, 844-246-7511, [email protected] (pics at the bottom of the page)
Press Coverage (TV, Radio, Blogs, Articles) Timeline
- 2/17/2023 – 1st DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH – The very 1st Disco Bathrooms were launched at our VERONA HOP Shops.
- 3/13/2023 @Pyrohqueen posted on Tik Tok and received 5 million views. https://www.tiktok.com/@pyrohqueen/video/7210022375335709998?q=pyrohqueen&t=1706752931348
- 7/23/2023 Hopper, our frog mascot, “Pushes the RED Button” and disco dances in the Verona disco bathroom. https://www.tiktok.com/@hopshopsconveniencestore/video/7261308759631301930
- 8/4/2023 – 2nd DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH – Florence HOP Shops launched the 2nd Disco Bathroom
- 8/20/2023 Oue of our TOP FANS, Scott Blandford posted selfie videos (over 60) in the disco bathroom mirror for 4 months. Why? He said he thought it was “genius” and he had a lot of fun doing it. He encouraged others to “Push the RED Button”. He made us laugh and inspired others to lose weight after sharing he had lost hundreds of pounds. He suggested we have a post card offers and a shirt with a big red button for promotion (we did both). He got Alex Hudson to “Push the RED Button in the women’s restroom and she started posting videos routinely on Tik Tok. She is in the Fox56News story telling about it. Alex posted them on Tik Tok and she encouraged others to be themselves and “they were enough”. On her birthday, her and her friend did a “Disco Tour” by going to all 4 disco bathrooms (only 4 at that time) to post a video and celebrate. She came to our Disco Bathroom launches and shared how much she loves it. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3725602077700425&set=pcb.3725612734366026
- 8/21/2023 @Sydgnome posted on Tik Tok 2 million views https://www.tiktok.com/@sydgnome/video/7269818819143666987
- 8/25/2023 THRILLIST shared This Kentucky Gas Station Features a Viral ‘Disco Bathroom’ https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/disco-bathroom-entucky-gas-station-viral-tiktok
- 9/3/2023 Dylan Anderson on YouTube shared Sydnome’s video shows 27 million views. Search YouTube >Dylan Anderson> Disco Bathrooms https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x2Gv3_f9muU
- 9/15/2023 Road Trip for Birthday @joyfullysober https://www.tiktok.com/@joyfullysober/video/7279258896005418282
- 10/11/2023 NACS Daily News on Convenience.org shared: C-Store Disco Bathroom Goes Viral – TikTok video gets over two million likes and over four million views.
- 10/19/2023 – 3rd DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH – 10/19/2023 Walton HOP Shops Disco BathroomsLaunch Party Hop Shops Walton KY launch Disco Bathrooms in Walton KY HOP Shops
- 10/23/2023 Adventure Mom wrote an article https://adventuremomblog.com/the-kentucky-gas-station-with-a-disco-bathroom/ and shared had “The Time of Her Life” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JIV7g9Sg1A
- 11/02/2023 – 4th DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH: Carrollton HOP Shops Disco Bathrooms Launch Party (Flip the Cake Challenge, News Democrat coverage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xar54pY95jc
- 11/4/2023 Rick Monroe and the Hitmen shared a fun #renandstimpy version about our disco bathrooms: “It’s disco potty party at the #hopshopsconveniencestores
- 11/04/2023 The News Democrat & Madison Courier covered the story “Carroll convenience store putting the party in potty” https://www.madisoncourier.com/carroll_news_democrat/carroll-convenience-store-putting-the-party-in-potty/article_8d0cb6a9-eebc-5c46-ad9e-156aef853233.html
- KPMA Winter 2023 Publication -Adam Stinnett covered our Walton HOP Shops Disco Bathroom Launch “Pushing Buttons and Transforming the Customer Experience” https://mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?m=29243&i=809586&p=12&ver=html5
- 12/14/2024 @ShopLocalKY shared a funny video of his experience in Walton Ky Disco Bathroom on his Instagram 29,471k like it: https://www.instagram.com/shoplocalky/reel/C02fm11sbSm/
- 12/17/2023 Wander Wisdom News Shared Weird Gas Station in Kentucky Is Going Viral for Its Bizarre Bonus Feature https://wanderwisdom.com/news/gas-station-hop-shops-bathrooms
- 12/19/2023 WDRB shared “Kentucky Bathroom Turns Into a Disco” https://www.wdrb.com/kentucky-bathroom-turns-into-a-disco/video_ecda59d1-1694-5b65-8837-2c13fcf693a3.html
- 12/21/2023 – 5th DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH – Maineville, OHIO HOP Shops Launch Party & First one in one of our Ohio HOP Shops HOP Shops Launches Disco Bathroom in Maineville, OH
- 12/24/2023 SpectrumNews1: https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2023/12/24/hopshops-disco-bathroom?cq_ck=1703457588496&fbclid=IwAR15ExS7Q-eIVcvyDLlV6v0Wi-auEl4k-a3gWl5Gj0rfiw52j1QzMFhVsqI
- 12/22/2023 Featured in NACS and chosen as one of Top Stories of the Year https://www.convenience.org/Media/Daily/2023/December/22/1-Top-Daily-Stories-of-2023_NACS
- 12/24/2024 – Crazy Clips on X (Twitter) over 4 million views https://twitter.com/crazyclipsonly/status/1739040113655456058
- 1/3/2024 @maryclairewhite thought she was in a dream. TikTok 7 Million Views: https://www.tiktok.com/@maryclairewhite/video/7320049277122661662
- 1/11/2024 Local 12 News WKRC in Cincinnati Anchors Sheila Gray and Bob Herzog shared a story on tv and sent me the link. Sheila Gray, the anchor sent me the link and I posted it on all our social channels. Here is a link to the story: ‘Do Not Push’: Button turns restrooms into discos at Greater Cincinnati convenience stores Here are a couple more links: https://www.facebook.com/SheilaGrayTV/videos/186211361249986 As seen on X https://x.com/SheilaGrayTV/status/1745411788206686690?s=20
- 1/11/2024 B105 Country on Radio and Social – Statt Man and the Stattosphere video clip is hysterical “When the lights come on it’s like the cops showed up” said Jason Statt. lol https://www.facebook.com/b105country/videos/614969770754677 and on TikTok A View From The Stattosphere of The Disco Bathrooms at the Hop Shops. HOP Shops at Sunoco near Kings Island in Maineville.
- 1/15/2024 @_ScorpioBarbie_ on Tik Tok 2 million views. https://www.tiktok.com/@_scorpiobarbie_/video/7324328533076053291
- 1/18/2024 Mr. Grouchy (a popular influencer) helped us launch of our Mt Zion Disco Bathroom launch and it was the best one yet. When he shared posts about the event, it got a lot of attention and he tagged us, so we had a lot more activity on our social channels. Mr Grouchy Insta 25925 likes https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Q-Y5psCcm/ Video and Deets: https://hopshops.com/get-ready-to-boogie-hop-shops-launches-disco-bathrooms-at-mt-zion-event-on-january-18th/?olink=%2Fnews%2F&otitle=What%27s+Hoppin%27&oti=1&otx=8
- 1/18/2024 – 6th DISCO BATHROOMS LAUNCH: Mt Zion Florence HOP Shops Launch Party with the popular Mr. Grouchy (5.9M followers) and even the coolest vehicle ECTO513 of Cincinnati Ghostbusters was at Mt Zion Disco Bathroom’s launch party
- 1/24/2024 Fox 56 News out of Lexington, KY covered our Mt Zion HOP Shops Disco Bathroom launch and then did a story about it on their tv news channel and this articlehttps://fox56news.com/news/spirit-of-bluegrass/disco-bathrooms-bring-laughter-to-the-lavatory/ and on YouTube 6.98K Views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpdzOtxmR8g&t=18s
- 1/25/2024 Channel 5 WLWT News TV https://www.wlwt.com/article/kentucky-gas-station-red-button-hop-shop-disco-bathroom/46540615
- 1/25/2024 WLWT Channel 5 in Cincinnati shared “Kentucky Gas Station Red Button HOP Shop Disco Bathroom https://www.wlwt.com/article/kentucky-gas-station-red-button-hop-shop-disco-bathroom/46540615
- 1/26/2024 CRUZ FM 95.7 Radio shared: Viral Disco Bathrooms At Gas Stations
- 1/26/2024 Fox News out of Los Angeles shared “Here’s What Happens When You Press the Red Button in this Gas Station Bathroom”: https://www.livenowfox.com/news/watch-heres-what-happens-when-you-press-the-red-button-in-this-gas-station-bathroom?fbclid=IwAR2p4xC6KFnzPPaznaUBBuQy35PSnd40UEG-wp_lne7udbw0kfiP7rq4U7U
- 1/26/2024 UPI – Kentucky convenience store bathrooms transform into disco clubs UPI News Kentucky convenience store bathrooms transform into disco clubs 4.4k views
- 1/26/2024 Fox 5 News out of Washington DC shared: https://www.fox5dc.com/news/watch-heres-what-happens-when-you-press-the-red-button-in-this-gas-station-bathroom and on https://www.livenowfox.com/video/1401873
- 1/26/2024 WBKR Radio heard about the Disco Bathrooms and knew we had a HOP Shops Truck Plaza in Owensboro, so they did a story. We’ll have 3 locations in Owensboro that will have Disco Bathrooms once remodeled 2024/2025.https://wbkr.com/best-kentucky-gas-station-restrooms/?fbclid=IwAR2mHLvdRm3_XeL98UyWLkzmqiatkaGtE8vDamO67qJDAsc9Bq15ySWnW9I
- 1/27/2024 BNN Breaking News shared: Unexpected Disco Dance Party in Kentucky Gas Station Restroom
- 1/29/2024 The Bob and Tom Show talked, laughed, and wrote a song about our disco bathrooms. We copied the segment on us from their live show and posted it on YouTube. https://youtu.be/qprGjNV8_0M?si=-6XvXBbMZHyswxCU
- 1/29/2024 Jimmy Fallon on the tonight show said (go to 8.41 minutes in to the video): “I heard about a chain of convenience stores in KY that are going viral for installing a button in their bathrooms that start a disco dance party.”
- 1/29/2024 KOST 103.5 shared: Disco Bathrooms Are Trending At Hop Shops Locations In Northern Kentucky
- 1/29/2024 101 WRIF shared: Are Disco Bathrooms The Next Big Thing?
- 1/29/2024 KOOL 98.3 Convenience Store Bathrooms Transformed into Disco Clubs!
- 1/30/2024 CSP Daily News wrote an article on “Hop Shops Customers Catch Disco Fever
- 2/2/2024 NACS shared our First Disco Wedding on Valentines Day 2/14/2024 “Welcome to a C-Store Wedding”
- 2/5/2024 CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert shared: our Disco Bathrooms or here https://youtu.be/PAZSfcyin0w?si=EmIRjtkPd5yE9BfQ Go a few minutes in to hear: https://youtu.be/sAu95ANKovA
- 2/5/2024 Channel 12’s Jen Dalton “Pushed the RED Button in our Mt Zion HOP Shops Disco Bathrooms and we loved it!
- 2/8/2024 Know Your News shared: Kentucky Convenience Store Bathrooms Transform Into Disco Clubs
- 2/13/2024 Convenience Store News share: Couple Says ‘I Do’ in Disco-Themed C-store Bathroom
- 2/14/2024 – 1st Ever DISCO BATHROOM WEDDING: 2/14/2024 VERONA, KY Logen & Tiana say ‘I Do” on Valentine’s Day in HOP Shops Disco Bathrooms in KY
- 2/14/2024 Inspire More News Daily shared “Convenience Store Bathroom Transforms Into Disco Club With The Press Of A Button.”
- 2/16/2024 CSP Daily News shared: HOP Shops hosts Disco Bathroom Wedding
- 2/16/2024 Fox56News shared: Northern Kentucky disco bathroom hosts wedding
- 2/16/2024 Louisville Courier Journal, Ana Rocio Alvarez Brinez shared: Ever heard of a bathroom disco? This Kentucky chain is going viral for their funky remodel
- 2/19/2024 Local 12 WKRC News shared: Couple marries in Northern Kentucky convenience store disco bathroom
- 2/19/2024 News Ch 9 ABC Chattanooga, TN shared: Couple marries in Northern Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/19/2024 Shop Local KY did a reel about wanting to give Logen and Tiana inaugural shirts
- 2/19/2024 ABC 15 NEWS shared “Couple marries in Northern Kentucky convenience store disco bathroom
- 2/20/2024 UPI Couple hold wedding in Kentucky gas station’s ‘disco bathroom’
- 2/20/2024 Fox News: The hater’s come out of the woodwork. Kentucky Couple Weds in Gas Station Bathroom on Valentine’s Day
- 2/20/2024 Outkick.com Kentucky Couple Who Got Married In A Gas Station Bathroom Sends A Message To Haters: ‘Aye Were [SIC] Famous’Couple has wedding inside Kentucky gas station with disco bathroom
- 2/20/2024 EnergyExch shared: Couple hold wedding in Kentucky gas station disco bathroom
- 2/21/2024 BARSTOOL SPORTS shared: The Dream Wedding: Kentucky Couple Gets Married In A Gas Station Bathroom That Turns Into A Disco Room With The Push Of A Button
- 2/21/2024 WDRB Louisville, KY shared: Couple has wedding inside Kentucky gas station with disco bathroom
- 2/21/2024 Gator 98.7 shared The Kentucky gas station is known for its ‘unique’ facilities, rollergrill…
- 2/21/2024 BNN Love on the Dance Floor: Ohio Couple’s Unique Gas Station Disco Wedding in Kentucky
- 2/21/2024 KMIT 105.9 South Dakota shared: Couple Hold Wedding in Gas Station’s ‘Disco Bathroom’
- 2/21/2024 Boston’s ROCK 92.9 shared: Couple Marries In Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 BNN The People’s Network shared Kentucky Love Story: Couple Weds in Disco Bathroom, Embracing Joy Over Judgment
- 2/21/2024 Fox4 Beaumont TX shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 WJAC TV News Johnstown, Pensylvania shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 Fox 45 Baltimore, Maryland shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 MyNews4 in Reno, NV shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 KIMA-TV Yakima, Washington shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 Fox28 Savannah, GA shared: Couple marries in Northern Kentucky convenience store disco bathroom
- 2/21/2024 KISS FM 96.5 Cleveland, OH shared: Ohio Couple Exchanges Vows In Kentucky Gas Station Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 NBC News Montana shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 105.9 The Mountain classic rock Asheville, NC shared: Ohio Couple Exchanges Vows In Kentucky Gas Station Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 CBS 2 Iowa shared: Couple Marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 K104.7 FM New York shared “Grab the Platform Shoes, This Cool Kentucky Bathroom is a Must Visit“
- 2/21/2024 People Magazine shared Couple Ties the Knot at a Kentucky Gas Station Bathroom in Disco-Themed Wedding Ceremony
- 2/21/2024 AR15 The most Ohio thing you’ll see today with a Kentucky Hold My Beer: Couple Hold Wedding in Kentucky Gas Station’s Disco Bathroom
- 2/21/2024 Kool 98.3 Atlantic City, New Jersey shared: Couple Holds their Wedding in a Gas Station’s ‘Disco Bathroom’!
- 2/21/2024 Dave and Chuck the Freak shared: “Couple Marries In Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom “
- 2/21/2024 Gator 98.7 Palm Beach Florida shared The Kentucky gas station is known for its ‘unique’ facilities, rollergrill...
- 2/21/2024 Local 12 News shared “Couple marries in Kentucky Convenience Store Disco Bathroom“
- 2/22/2024 The U.S. SUN shared, “GOT ME FLUSHIN’ I got married in a Kentucky convenience store bathroom – our first dance was by the toilets but it had a special touch“
- 2/22/2024 The Bob and Tom Show Live segment on our Disco Bathroom Wedding
- 2/22/2024 CMN Country Music Nation shared: Couple Gets Married In Kentucky Gas Station’s Viral “Disco Bathroom”
- 2/22/2024 Fox19Now News broadcast live in men’s bathroom: Couple says ‘I do’ inside gas station men’s bathroom
- 2/23/2024 HIS Radio in South Carolina shared our Disco Bathroom Wedding It’s so fun to hear the responses.
- 2/23/2024 Xtreme 107.1 Radio shares the Disco Bathroom Wedding
- 2/24/2024 WESH 2 News shared: Kentucky couple gets married inside gas station ‘disco bathroom’.
- 2/24/2024 KCCI 8 Des Moines, IA shared Kentucky couple gets married inside gas station ‘disco bathroom’.
- 2/26/2024 | NACS | Convenience Matters Podcast | Jeff Lenard, VP of Strategic Initiatives Behind the Success of the C-Store Disco Bathrooms “What are your stores famous for? For HOP Shops, it’s their disco bathrooms. The concept is so popular that a couple recently got married in one. “
- 2/27/2024 C-Store Decisions shared “Just Your Run-of-the-Mill Disco C-Store Bathroom Wedding”
- 2/28/2024 TMZ shared on their front page “KENTUCKY COUPLE GET HITCHED IN GAS STATION BATHROOM… Fuelin’ the Love!!!
- 2/28/2024 New York Post shared Valentine’s Day wedding in gas station’s ‘disco bathroom’
- 2/28/2024 INSIDE EDITION shared Couple Ties the Knot Inside Gas Station Disco Bathroom
- 2/28/2024 Louisville Courier Journal, Amanda Hancock shared: Grab your dancing shoes and visit the Hop Shops disco bathrooms in Kentucky
- 2/28/2024 Australia’s TODAY Show shared Love in the Loo – Kentucky Couple Wed in Petrol Station Toilet
- 2/28/2024 ENSTARZ shared: Kentucky Couple Marries in a Convenience Station Bathroom – WATCH!
- 3/4/2024 FOX News shared “Kentucky couple excanges wedding vows in a gas station bathroom: ‘Definitely going to be different’
- 3/6/2024 Late Night With SETH MEYERS shared, “This is the Kind of Story We Need Right Now”
- 3/11/2024 Cincinnati Enquirer‘s Victoria Moorwood shared ‘Bathroom dance parties? Convenience store near Kings Island known for disco bathroom’
- 5/7/2024 Be sure to attend the upcoming general sessions in October in Vegas to see more on delivering a customer experience like no other (in the bathroom!) NACSShow videos. Ideas2GoJeff Lenard and Chrissy Blasinsky visited the amazing team at HOP Shops Convenience Stores in Northern Kentucky to check out the world-famous disco bathrooms.
- 6/4/2024 CSP Daily News interviews our VP of Retail: Building a Brand With Disco Bathrooms at Convenience Stores
- 6/4/2024 Kat Von D visits the Verona Disco Bathrooms: Guess who dropped by our Verona HOP Shops Disco Bathroom? None other than the fabulous Kat Von D! ✨ Check out the video of her grooving and having a blast in our disco bathroom. https://lnkd.in/gg_mnD_j
- 7/15/2024 – Cintas’ Corporation named HOP Shops a Finalist in America’s Best Restroom Contest.
- 7/17/2024 NACS shares ‘Hop Shops and Maverik Among Top 10 Best Restroom Finalist
- 7/17/2024 Convenience Store News – HOP Shops Hosts Anniversary Party in Disco-Themed Restroom
- 7/17/2024 CStore Decision shared ‘Maverik, HOP Shops Receive Best Restroom Nominations
- 7/17/2024 CSP | Hop Shops, Maverik Among 10 Finalists for Best Restroom Award
- 7/18/2024 NACS | Hop Shops to Host 30th Wedding Anniversary in Disco Bathroom
- 7/29/2024 92.5 WBKR shared Is this Epic Kentucky Bathroom the Best in America
- 7/30/2024 Local 12 News shared Northern Kentucky is a Finalist in America’s Best Restroom Contest
- 7/30/2024 Fox 19 NOW shared Florence Disco Bathroom becomes Finalist in National Competition
- 8/4/2024 Country Music Icon Hannah Dasher visits Verona Disco Bathroom https://www.tiktok.com/@hannahdamndasher/video/7399052088228973867